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Category Archives for "Teach"

Teaching Intern: My Favourite Thing About China

China. The first things that spring to mind are bustling cities full of people, smog-filled streets, terrifying roads and Jackie Chan. I haven’t seen Jackie Chan yet, but the rest is pretty much accurate for your first week in Beijing. I’ve never been outside of Europe before, and hadn’t actually left England for more than […]


Teaching Intern: Happiness In A T-shirt!


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival all! Today is China’s biggest national celebration (second to New Year, but that’s a given first spot isn’t it!?).  And so to celebrate ‘the lady on the moon’, I have stayed in bed all day. The festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Han calendar.  Essentially […]


Teaching Alumni: Best Thing I Ever Did!

Best thing

I didn’t expect China to change me like it did! I fell in love with such a fascinating and interesting country, made friends that I will have for a life time and had the most amazing adventures! Since my initial trip I have been back to China four times, with plans to return again for a long period of […]


Teaching Intern: China, I Am Back!

China I am back

Hello, my name is Marissa and I am a half Scottish, half Brazilian student who is in love with China. In 2009, during my gap year, I spent 8 months in China with Teach and Travel China (TTC). My first month was spent in Beijing doing TEFL training, Mandarin lessons and other cultural activities and the […]
