Teaching Intern: China, I Am Back!| 2 min read

My first month was spent in Beijing doing TEFL training, Mandarin lessons and other cultural activities and the subsequent months were spent in a tiny town (tiny by Chinese standards, it has a population of 100 000) called YueQing in Zhejiang province.
This was the first time I’d been to a “non-western” country and the first time I’d lived away from home. I was overwhelmed, intrigued and constantly fascinated. My first true love was Beijing. After my first month sped by, I returned to Beijing before leaving China for university, then came back to travel Beijing again the following year and now, 6 years later, I’m back again for a month staying with one of the girls I originally met (and lived with) in TTC as she now works in Beijing. I even inspired one of my childhood best friends to give Beijing a shot and she’s working here too!
There are many things I could tell you about why I love China and why, in particular, Beijing is a great city. And whether this is your first time here or even if you live here, I hope I can share some of my enthusiasm with you.
I’ve written three articles outlining some fun things to do during the day and night and a few of my favourite food choices. This blog is not a list of top 10s nor is it all inclusive but I took two weeks as a returning tourist, a fancy camera and a list of places I’d never been to and tried to capture what makes Beijing so special.
Day Time Activities in Beijing
Night Time Activities in Beijing
Marissa Wilson, a teaching intern from Winter 2009 Teach & Travel China; was placed in Zhejiang on a 6-month teaching internship; a student in Medicine from Glasgow University; currently working in London as a doctor