
Long And Short-term Volunteer Programs: The Advantages| 3 min read

There are two main types of volunteer programs: Short and long-term. One is not necessarily better than the other, because they each have different qualities that would appeal to different people. Nonetheless, there are benefits to either type of volunteer experience.

Long-term Volunteering

A long-term volunteer experience is service learning, such as working in the orphanage with ImmerQi the volunteers get more involved. Because of the duration of a longer program the activities will be more in depth and spread throughout your time. There will be many different tasks, for example, at the Orphanage you will work on the farm, help with marketing, teach English, write letters to the sponsors and much more.

Due to these added experiences the long-term program can stretch you in good ways. You can be encouraged to step out of your comfort zone and assist in areas you wouldn’t have realized you could be of help. In an environment like the orphanage you will be among the same group of people for the duration of your time. By becoming a member of staff or a part of the group you are able to not only help those you are volunteering for, but you will be creating new friendships that will last forever.

The extended time in China allows you to see China and interact with the Chinese culture. Whereas a tourist is limited to a short time to see certain aspects of China, you will be involved in the middle of the culture and will be experiencing the aspects that make it so different. Thus, along with having a life changing experience you will have the opportunity to be even more enriched by the adventures one has in the Chinese culture. This article elaborates on long-term volunteering as well and what it has to offer.

Short-term Volunteering

A short-term program is community based, such as teaching a small class or physical labor. A short-term volunteer experience is not better or worse than the long-term because there are completely different elements and benefits.

For those who want to help but would rather be behind the scenes, a short-term program can offer a variety of tasks. Thus, you can be of help in an area where you are comfortable. Because the program is shorter, it would be busy, depending on the activities available, and the time will likely fly by. There will be less down time allotting a wider span of the program to be completing the tasks undertaken.

The length allows for more flexibility as well, those who have a busy schedule or not a lot of time can still come and help. Often the types of projects undertaken during a short-term program are possible to complete in less amounts of time, for example, reading to children, rebuilding a school or planting trees are types of activities that will help the community whilst being very gratifying to partake in.

Either type of volunteer program chosen will undoubtedly never be forgotten; interacting with people of a different culture and inputing into someones life. Stepping out to do something different may seem scary, but it is worth it in the end.

Rachel Yoon

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